Friday, 20 February 2009

Doing Something Silly

Have you ever done something that you thought was really silly. Something that you thought you'd never do; something you would say is not like you; not what you would expect of yourself?

Well if your answer is yes, I would really like to know about it, because if nothing else, it would let me know that I am not the only silly person on earth.

I had been invited to attend an awards dinner. I was happy to have received the invitation and really looking forward to it.

I registered the date in my mind and put the letter in my diary on the date, just to ensure that I would not forget it.

So the day arrived. It was quite a busy day and I spent most of it working in another City from the one I live in. About an hours drive home during rush hour. It was a bit of a push, but I managed it.

Sorted the family, got dressed, whilst driving my husband insane, as I tried to find something suitable to wear to a black tie dinner. He is the most patient man in the world. He ran around helping me choose different outfits from the wardrobe; zipping and unzipping me at least 20 times; then ironing my dress after I had finally decided what I was going to wear.

At last I was ready. Oh did I mention that he got my shoes from down stairs and brought them up to me?

My husband ordered pizza for him and the children, turned my car around in the drive, so I could drive straight off and sent me on my way with a kiss. I know, he is a saint.

I was running just slightly late, I hate being late, but tried not to allow myself to get too stressed, as I know this is not a good thing when driving. Earlier in the week I had heard of someone who had died in a traffic accident last year. Left his wife at their shop and went off home, but never arrived. These thoughts tend to hang in your mind when you learn about this type of accident. I've got too much to live for.

Any way, thankfully I arrived at the venue for the event safely and parked the car.

As I was about to go in, I thought I would look at my invitation.

Can you guess what I am going to say?

Yes, you are correct.

I got the day wrong. The date was right, but I was only a month out. Of all the things that could have happened, I was one month ahead of myself.

I got back into the car and drove home, thinking to myself 'I am now going to have to tell my husband that after all the stress I put him through, it was the wrong month.' I can't say that I was looking forward to that.

I would also have to explain to the children why I have returned home.

The embarrassment of it all!

Fortunately for me I have a very forgiving husband and wonderful children. We all made a joke out of it and they shared their pizza with me. It's good to have a place where you are accepted even when you've done something clueless.

Okay, I'm going to have to admit that I am human or at the very least have human traits.

Maybe I need to ensure I get enough rest. I'm blaming it on a week of working very long hours. I'm talking about finishing work at 1:30 am and getting up again around 6:30 am. I guess that would do it.

Silly event of the week over.....

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